Ron Chicoine

Physical Address: 225 Montello St., Lewiston

Occupation: Anesthesiologist

Political Affiliation: Republican

Age: 52

Phone number: (207) 782-5623

Community Organizations: Airway management training director at St. Mary’s for EMTs, respiratory therapists and medical students, vice president of the Elliot Avenue Little League for five years, volunteer anesthesiologist for medical missions to Haiti and Honduras, past president of the Maine Society of Anesthesiologists (six years), former Lewiston High School tennis coach (nine years), current volunteer assistant tennis coach at Bates College, member of the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine, member of AARP, Maine Medical Association and Maine Society of Anesthesiologists, past volunteer coach for the Lewiston Recreation Department, referee and tennis, basketball and volunteer coach for YMCA Biddy Basketball and pre-med preceptor for college and high school students.


Why are you running for the Androscoggin County Commission? I have gained so much from this community, and I am looking forward to giving something back. I want to bring a new level of service to county commissioners, not by spending your money, but by spending my time. Now that my youngest son has just entered college, I have that time.

What skills would you bring to the role of commissioner? Part of the county commission’s responsibilities lie with county 911 services. As an airway expert, I work with EMTs often and have the opportunity to learn from them as much as they do from me. As a lifetime resident of Lewiston and physician practicing and residing in the community, I offer unique perspectives and diversity that is lacking with the current commission. Additionally, attention to detail, vigilance and tenacity dealing with the tough problems of the county government — while not increasing spending — will be my priority.

Androscoggin County is changing its structure by expanding the commission, and it will soon have a professional administrator. What changes would you like to see the county make? I would like to maximize the accountability of the county government to the people. It is important that the new county commission is fiscally responsible because the towns and cities have to pay what the Androscoggin County budget requires. Currently, Lewiston pays about 40 percent of the county government budget. Many of the people I speak to when going door to door are on a fixed budget and do not want any increase in their taxes for expanding government programs.

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Thomas Reynolds

Physical Address: 814 Main St.

Occupation: Community Organizer


Political Affiliation: Democrat

Age: 50

Phone number: (207) 783-7421

Community Organizations: Chair of Androscoggin County Democratic Committee, member of Maine State Democratic Committee

Why are you running for the Androscoggin County Commission? To keep county services efficient while reducing expenses where possible in order to lower the tax burden on municipalities.

What skills would you bring to the role of commissioner? The ability to work with other people to identify common-ground solutions, strong facilitation, communication and collaborative leadership skills.

Androscoggin County is changing its structure by expanding the commission, and it will soon have a professional administrator. What changes would you like to see the county make? Having been an early supporter of Androscoggin County adopting a charter, I recognize our first goal will be to identify the best candidate to serve in the role of administrator. It would be beneficial for us to collaborate with neighboring counties to explore ways we can work together to achieve efficiency and reduce costs. We need county government to be visible to the general public and utilize opportunities to educate people of the role and services provided.

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Ten people are vying for five open seats on the newly expanded Androscoggin County Commission. On Monday, the Sun Journal began running a five-part daily series of interviews spotlighting the races in each of the five districts. Today, we look at the race in Androscoggin County District 2, which comprises the northern section of Lewiston (approximately bordered by Webster Street to the south, Old Greene Road to the east and the river to the west).

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