Current Lewiston Conditions
Mostly cloudy
63° RealFeel™
63° RealFeel™
TODAY Warm with clouds and sun
TONIGHT Becoming cloudy
8% | Chance of Precipitation |
2.7 mi/h | Wind |
29.99 inHg | Barometric Pressure |
94% | Relative Humidity |
60F | Dewpoint |
80% | Cloud Cover |
10 mi | Visibility |
- Sunrise 6:25 AM
- Sunset 6:43 pm
- Moon
Ten Day Forecast
Today September 19
78 F | 57 FWarm with clouds and sun
Fri, September 20
69 F | 52 FMostly cloudy and not as warm
Sat, September 21
66 F | 51 FRather cloudy
Sun, September 22
67 F | 45 FPartly sunny
Mon, September 23
66 F | 45 FSun and some clouds
Tue, September 24
62 F | 47 FPartly sunny
Wed, September 25
63 F | 51 FA morning shower; cloudy
Thu, September 26
64 F | 52 FPeriods of rain
Fri, September 27
68 F | 51 FCloudy with a little rain
Sat, September 28
70 F | 53 FAn afternoon shower
Tide and Marine Forecast