State and local government
PublishedJune 24, 2022
Maine issues last half of nearly $120 million in relief funding to municipalities
The pandemic relief money, provided through the American Rescue Plan Act, was distributed proportionally based on population.
PublishedNovember 4, 2021
Release of Biden vaccine mandate raises questions for many Maine employers
Some employers, particularly those in the public sector, still don't know how or whether the vaccination-or-testing mandate for workers will apply to them.
PublishedAugust 17, 2020
Which Nadeau is running for office from Winslow? Catherine or Cathy?
State Rep. Catherine Nadeau, a Democrat, has been termed out, but Republican Cathy Nadeau is running for her seat against Rep. Catherine Nadeau's brother, Ray Caron. And they all just happen to live quite nicely in the same town.