PublishedAugust 17, 2020
Which Nadeau is running for office from Winslow? Catherine or Cathy?
State Rep. Catherine Nadeau, a Democrat, has been termed out, but Republican Cathy Nadeau is running for her seat against Rep. Catherine Nadeau's brother, Ray Caron. And they all just happen to live quite nicely in the same town.
PublishedMay 4, 2020
Millions of alewives running the Sebasticook River, scaling Benton Falls Dam ladder
While the coronavirus pandemic wiped out the Benton Alewife Festival this year, alewives continue to return to the upper reaches of the Sebasticook River in droves while the reopening of China Lake to the fish progresses.
PublishedApril 2, 2020
Coronavirus fears extinguish open burns in parts of central Maine
As more people seek permits to burn off brush in an annual rite of spring, state and local fire officials are urging people to wait — if they can — over coronavirus concerns.
PublishedFebruary 16, 2020
Land Rover event sends Oxford Car off on North American expedition
Land Rover enthusiasts from across the country gathered this weekend in Benton for the annual Winter Romp to test their driving skills on trails and to meet, eat and shop at local businesses. The Oxford Car, a 65-year-old Land Rover Series I Station Wagon, is the centerpiece of the festivities as it prepares to depart from Waterville on Tuesday morning for an 11 month expedition across North America.
PublishedAugust 14, 2019
Identities of victims in Clinton wagon crash released
Clinton police Chief Rusty Bell said two women remained hospitalized Wednesday after the crash Sunday in which a horse-drawn wagon carrying four passengers struck a utility pole, parked car and another utility pole before coming to rest in the street.
PublishedJune 30, 2019
Strawberries nearly two weeks late this year, and wet weather hasn’t helped
The abnormally cool and damp spring conditions are to blame for stalled production in the strawberry fields.
Benton maine