Matthew Daigle is a court reporter at the Norway bureau of the Sun Journal and has worked for the company for more than six years. He covers the courts, Oxford County government, and the towns of Norway, Paris and Otisfield. He lives in Greene with his fiance, his two Siamese cats and his 13-year old chihuahua. In his spare time, he likes to read, watch movies and listen to podcasts about the television show “Survivor.” He is a graduate of the University of Maine at Farmington and earned a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing.
PublishedJuly 16, 2021
Ungrateful daughter resorts to intimidation
DEAR ABBY: My 40-year-old daughter has never worked. She never married but has a 5-year-old son and is expecting a girl in six months. My husband bought a house for her to live in, but she didn’t like it. When he passed away, I bought her a different house and sold the first one. I […]
PublishedJuly 15, 2021
When and how long to treat a tick bite to prevent Lyme disease
DEAR DR. ROACH: Two days ago, I was bitten by a tick, which drew blood. Yesterday I was given just two 100-mg doxycycline caps to be taken together with a meal and instructions to “continue the observation of any symptoms.” It does not seem sufficient to me. Last year, when I was bitten, I received […]
PublishedJuly 15, 2021
Errant expression leads to years-long misunderstanding
DEAR ABBY: I have always suffered from what I now know is social anxiety disorder. When I have to attend a large family function, I’m extremely nervous and miserable. As a result, sometimes I have had a sour expression on my face (although I didn’t realize it). At a gathering several years ago, I guess […]
PublishedJuly 14, 2021
Violent nighttime movement likely REM sleep disorder
DEAR DR. ROACH: I am very concerned about an issue with my husband that is getting worse quickly. He is 76 years old, has some heart problems and has had artery and heart surgery and pulmonary problems primarily caused by toxic exposures to pesticides in the past. The situation is that at night, after we […]
PublishedJuly 14, 2021
Man’s affair with musician strikes a sour note at home
DEAR ABBY: My husband of 49 years had an affair two years ago with a woman younger than our daughter. The affair is over now, but I no longer trust him. The “other woman” is a musician who performs with an adult ensemble that he conducts. He refuses to talk to her about discontinuing her […]
PublishedJuly 13, 2021
Find source of iron shortage before resuming blood donations
DEAR DR. ROACH: A year ago, I was diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia. A colonoscopy found no problems. An endoscopy found a small raw spot on my stomach lining; it was not bleeding. My iron count was 7. Two months earlier it was 102. I was told to take an iron supplement twice a day. […]
PublishedJuly 13, 2021
Friend invited on trip seizes control of agenda
DEAR ABBY: A few years ago, I asked a friend to accompany me to a concert for which I offered her a free ticket. (I paid $150 for each one.) The original plan was to travel from New York state to Ohio, which would have been a three-day weekend. She responded with a grateful yes, […]
PublishedJuly 12, 2021
The difference between vaccination and variolation
DEAR DR. ROACH: I recently watched a TV program about vaccines. I’ve always thought that vaccines dated to Jenner and his cowpox vaccine. The program pointed out that before Jenner started experimenting, some countries (the program mentioned Africa, India and China) had a tradition of cutting the arm of a healthy person and then smearing […]
PublishedJuly 12, 2021
Man breaks pact while demanding wife stick to it
DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have been together almost 20 years. When we first started dating, I would have an occasional drink. He said he chewed tobacco, but I never saw him do it. We agreed that I wouldn’t drink and he wouldn’t chew. I found out later that he continued to do it […]
PublishedJuly 11, 2021
Sister reimagines her past as a ‘magical’ time
DEAR ABBY: My sister’s husband died by suicide several years ago while they were in the middle of a divorce. They’d had a volatile relationship. Both she and her husband treated people very badly. They were bullies, lording it over other people and putting them down. Her husband left an unkind suicide letter blaming her. […]
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