Am I the only one having trouble understanding Jared Golden’s statement and action on the currently-passed COVID plan, that this plan needed to be more targeted, extending unemployment benefits, funding vaccine distribution and increasing investment in public health infrastructure?

Within this plan unemployment benefits are extended; public health infrastructure is addressed with aid to state and local governments and the Provider Relief Fund.

Parts of this plan also include stimulus checks, an infrastructure program allowing local governments to continue crucial capital projects, the FEMA Emergency Food and Shelter Program, an Employee Retention Tax Credit, a COBRA health insurance program increase from 85% to 100%, student loan relief, Amtrak relief funding, after-school programs and education technology.

I question his having read the plan, and its provisions. I question his motives on taking such an obvious conflicting slant on such a positive overall plan. He certainly has called attention to himself, or is/was that the plan? Mission accomplished.

Jared may be in the wrong party or job. I would simply ask that he readdress his priorities and remember that he is there for us, first and foremost. All his current ranting is only distancing him from us, the people he’s there to serve. He’s alienating us in the process, and I suspect a majority aren’t too thrilled with him right now.

Fortunately for us the plan passed, and the country will get the assistance needed in spite of his negative action, this time. I would ask that he pay more attention in the future.

Marc Jalbert, Lewiston

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