Noel Madore

Recent events at the Androscoggin County Commission have been appalling. Instead of focusing on the huge challenges in our domain, individuals have been co-opting the government with misguided notions of what is right and wrong.

The proposed resolution to override the governor’s executive order in response to COVID-19 is irresponsible and unlawful. I feel assured and fortunate that, while the circus is going on, the sheriff has taken appropriate precautions to protect our corrections, law enforcement staff, and the inmates. While there has been a failure of leadership by some of the commission, the staff on the administration side have shown leadership in this trying time.

Some of the attendees’ testimony at last week’s meeting was extraordinary. I have never witnessed distrust in government to this degree. Their sentiments brought to mind the recent Capitol storming.

My diminished hope in a functioning society was reversed when I reviewed the digital testimony. A tremendous amount of people reached out, with a strong majority being in support of the governor’s mask mandate. Everyone agrees that we don’t like wearing them, however, we wear them because it is something we can do to help our community.

I heard from supportive individuals who had lost spouses, from ER nurses, PhDs, health care professionals, and service employees. I take some comfort in knowing that people wearing masks are saying to their community that they have their back.

I was honored to be reelected to a second term, but am wary of the ongoing difficulties. There have been successes in my last four years of serving, but many struggles. It has been difficult to keep the commission focused and productive.


One commissioner is hostile to the group, and continually votes to not pay our bills. This has created dysfunction, as the unprofessional behavior has gone without rebuke. While it has pained me to see the county in poor light, I am glad that the public is now aware of our status.

The county has huge capital challenges going forward. The jail was underbuilt a generation ago, and has been experiencing chronic overcrowding. Its insufficiency is routinely a problem, and the overcrowding will have cascading negative effects. It is problematic for justice, the staff, and society as a whole.

On the other side of the house, the county building is facing decades of deferred maintenance. As a Feb. 7 Sun Journal article displayed, much of the building’s spaces are insufficient to even basic standards. It has a direct impact on staff effectiveness and their health and safety.

These are major decisions that fall on this very group of people. The plans must be well thought out, well-advocated for and well-executed. I hope that this commission is up for the task.

Please think about recent events when you go to the ballot box, because the caliber of people we elect to all offices matter. Our civic duty isn’t limited to elections, which hundreds of individuals who have reached out to us recently know. Keep participating. We are listening.

Noel Madore represents District No. 1 on the Androscoggin County Commission.

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