I am appalled that the Androscoggin County Commission would consider Isiah Lary’s resolution to politicize the matter of wearing a mask — a proven and accepted method for preventing the spread of the COVID virus.

I applaud the vast majority of my fellow Mainers and businesses who have followed Gov. Mills and Dr. Shah’s leadership in wearing masks, which has greatly reduced the rate of spread in Maine by comparison to other states.

Maine’s rate per 100,000 deaths stands at 46. Death rates in states with similar populations sizes as ours like Wyoming stand at 117 deaths/100,000, and Rhode Island’s is even higher at 206/100,000.  COVID-19 death rates by state: Feb. 3 (beckershospitalreview.com)

A recent Gallup poll concluded that 44% of U.S. adults say they “always” wear a mask when outside their homes, and 28% say they do so “very often.” That leaves only a minority who either rarely or don’t wear a mask. Thus, who is Lary representing with his resolution if not the majority of citizens?

Based upon these facts, I question his motivation for proposing a resolution to unmask, the same kind of resolution where Republicans are against masking mandates espoused by Democratic governors in Wisconsin and Michigan. Is Lary a Republican with that same agenda?

In summary, I am urging county commissioners to vote no on Commissioner Lary’s resolution — and get on with Androscoggin County business, and not attempt to meddle or undermine the business of state governance that works.

Patrick Eisenhart, Lewiston

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