We write to express our solidarity with our Lewiston-Auburn communities, who continue to feel the effects of the COVID pandemic.

The toll on lives, jobs, and opportunities has been staggering. Our young people’s education and connections have suffered much disruption, and the routine and rhythm of our daily lives have been unimaginably altered. Yet, throughout, we have witnessed remarkable acts of kindness, as neighbors, friends, and others reach out to offer comfort, succor, and assistance.

As Bahá’ís, we are committed to the oneness of the human family and to the spiritual (and material) well-being of society. The pandemic has occasioned much pain and suffering but also an opening to forge closer bonds of friendship, build relationships anew, and reshape our collective lives to reflect mutual respect, equality, and inclusion.

If there is a silver lining to this tragedy, it is that we have become acutely conscious of our connectedness. We have felt gratitude for the many offers of assistance from unexpected quarters, and we have come to appreciate the importance of a kind word or gesture.

It’s our ardent prayer that all of us who call greater Lewiston-Auburn home will embrace this opportunity to build a more vibrant, loving, and safe community in the still-challenging days ahead.

As the Bahá’í writings state, “Do not be content with showing friendship in words alone, let your heart burn with loving kindness for all who may cross your path.”

With sincerity and hope,

Tim Griffin and Louise Ingraham, Baha’i communities of Lewiston-Auburn

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