Trump has lied to Americans regarding the Nov. 3 election, and has convinced many that our election process has been compromised, despite a lack of evidence to support this claim.

Remember, Trump attempted to undermine the U.S. Postal Service prior to the election as he anticipated that many voters, especially Democrats, would vote via absentee ballots. He is doing all in his power to delegitimize what will soon be the Biden presidency. If that is not frightening enough, he is currently replacing highly qualified people in national security with unqualified replacements loyal to himself.

Trump’s actions over the past four years have been self-serving by enriching his family and friends at the expense of America. It is incredibly sad and frightening that the vast majority of our United States’ Republican senators and congressmen quietly sit back at this time and continue to support him.

Clearly, these elected officials are not concerned about Trump’s attacks on our democratic institutions, which should not be a surprise given their efforts to eliminate pre-existing medical conditions, to dismantle the Affordable Care Act without an alternative health plan, to cut taxes for the richest corporations, causing our national debt to skyrocket and thereby threatening Social Security and Medicare, and last but not least, to undo efforts to protect our environment and counteract climate change.

If we want to make America great again, we each must work to ascertain fact from fabrication in order to strengthen and safeguard our democracy.

Gil Arsenault, Sumner

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