NORTH CONWAY, N.H. — The nonprofit Mount Washington Observatory (MWO) will offer free distance learning programs each week to support educators in their need for virtual classroom programs.  Students and weather enthusiasts can connect live to the highest peak in the Northeastern U.S., as weather observers and education specialists at MWO present via Zoom in sessions called “Home of the World’s Worst Weather Live.”

Programs will be offered at 11:15 a.m. every Monday from October to May. The programs are targeted for grades six to eight and expand on MWO’s distance learning program that connects students across the country to the excitement and science taking place on the summit of Mount Washington.

The program will cover such topics as weather, climate and climate change through the context of Mount Washington and the Mount Washington Observatory. Programs will be approximately 30 minutes, including time for a Q&A session. There will also be an opportunity for viewers and educators to suggest topics for discussion.

Live programs will be uploaded to MWO’s website at for use outside the regularly scheduled time. Additionally, the site will provide resources and activities related to the science of weather.

For more information, visit

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