Social media accounts:

County commissioner;  petition drive coordinator

Edward Little High School, Marquette University

Community Organizations:
First Auburn Seniors.

Personal information (hobbies, etc.):
Gardening, hiking, swimming, mentoring youth, volunteering at Age-Friendly Auburn and the annual seniors’ Thanksgiving banquet and the annual state Veterans Day breakfast (Portland). Delivering meals to Auburn seniors for Grab and Go Meals and Groceries Program.

Family status:


Years in the Legislature: 1978-1986; 1990-1994; 2000-2002

Committee assignments (if elected):
I enjoyed the Banking and Insurance Committee, and also Natural Resources. I Chaired the Joint House & Senate Agriculture Committee for two terms, which was nice because it was not particularly partisan, especially when I was chairing it!


1) Are you satisfied with the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic? If yes, why? If not, what do you think should be done instead?
No. We shut down businesses and cancelled kids sports, but we did nothing to properly fund nursing homes and protect our most vulnerable, where two-thirds of COVID deaths occurred. This didn’t have to happen

2) As the state tries to balance its upcoming budget in light of the reduction in tax revenue because of the pandemic, how would you decrease expenses or increase revenues?
By doing my job. We needed those 186 minds to stay in Augusta, deliberate and make decisions, not run home and abdicate their responsibility and power to an overwhelmed governor.

3) How does serving as a local politician in your respective party align with the larger goals of that party?
I listen to what each party offers. This is something they cannot do because of their deep hatred. I like to tease that as an independent, by law I am allowed to use both sides of my brain.

4) What do you think is the most pressing matter that pertains to the next generation of Mainers who may be voting for the first time?
Whether or not the great American system of freedom, prosperity and opportunity for all will be destroyed by partisan hatred and political payoffs to the billionaires that manipulate both parties.

5) Are you frustrated by the political sniping, exaggeration and even lies between the parties and their supporters that have threatened progress usually reached through respect and reasoned compromise? If so, what will you personally do to make the situation better?
I’m running independent for that reason. A real challenge in life is to listen sincerely to people with different viewpoints. Always assume someone just might have something useful we don’t know.

6) If you are elected, is there anything in particular that you hope to accomplish? And briefly, why?
Stop the CMP corridor. I introduced and passed the resolution cancelling our county’s support for the project, hitting CMP with its biggest political setback to date. And I’ve only just begun.

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