LIVERMORE — Voters will consider a $1.93 million budget on Tuesday, Aug. 11, that is up $129,098 or 7.2% over the current budget. County taxes are included in that amount, but not local school taxes.

A meeting held Wednesday via Zoom gave voters a chance to ask questions about the new format this year. Because of COVID-19 restrictions, Town Meeting will be held by referendum. Municipal elections will be July 14 with the referendum voting Aug. 11. Both elections will be held 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Spruce Mountain Primary School.

Livermore, Livermore Falls and Jay voters were to have voted on the Regional School Unit 73 budget July 14, but an error was found and the budget process had to be rescheduled. An informational meeting will be held Aug. 4 via Zoom with the budget referendum vote Aug. 18.

Office administration and fire protection are each up almost $10,000 and the highway department is up $11,645. The capital roads request of $400,000 is $21,500 more than the amount approved at last year’s town meeting.

Voters will be asked to raise and appropriate $100,000 for a fire truck reserve account.

“A fire truck is very expensive. By raising some money each year and putting it in a reserve account, you don’t have to borrow as much,” meeting moderator Clint Boothby said.


Voters will also be asked to borrow $125,000 for a truck and $80,000 for a used loader, both for the highway department.

“We’re paying off two pieces of equipment this year, (and) want to get two more,” Selectperson Scott Richmond said.

“We’re trying to stay level, pay off debts before we have to borrow more,” interim administrative assistant Amy Byron said. “Those amounts aren’t included in the budget. The first payments won’t be made until next year.”

Lastly, voters will be asked to approve increasing the property tax levy limit established by state law. If all budget articles are passed, the town will be $16,733 over the limit. Last year, voters were able to cut spending to keep below the limit.

“What happens if this article doesn’t pass?” resident Mary Castonguay asked.

“We’ll have to revisit the entire budget,” Byron said.

Selectpersons and the Budget Committee met on March 11 to start the budget process and had planned to meet again on March 18. Town offices were closed and meetings canceled because of the coronavirus pandemic.

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