LIVERMORE — Monday night, July 6, Selectpersons were reminded of the time and place for the upcoming elections on Tuesday, July 14.

“Elections are 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Spruce Mountain Primary School. The town office will be closed that day,” Town Clerk Renda Guild said.

Selectpersons then clarified the positioning of security cameras at the town office complex.

The minutes mentioned getting cameras, Guild said.

“I think it’s a great idea. We don’t have that kind of security,” she said before noting that cameras may not be able to be set up inside because of confidentiality.

“I’ll need to check with vital records. They can sue us. They’re very particular,” Guild said. “We had to set up a separate room to complete marriage licenses. That’s not public knowledge. Too many people complained when they came in to get a marriage license.


“I will do anything I can to work with you on this. I agree on the safety issue, we don’t have a lot here. I need to protect what I have inside.”

Guild asked if the cameras would record voices and if any had been set up at the transfer station.

The cameras don’t record and cameras have been installed at the town garage but not the transfer station, Selectperson Chairman Mark Chretien said.

“We’re going one step at a time. There’s no internet at the transfer station and the cameras won’t work without the internet,” he said.

Cameras can be installed inside so long as signs noting their use are posted, similar to what’s seen at banks, Chretien said.

“We’ve already caught someone trying to steal gravel from the highway garage, found kids playing on the trucks. We took it to the sheriff’s office,” Selectperson Scott Richmond said. “The person tried to deny it until the footage was shown.


“In case someone comes in and tries to hold you up, we want one camera on the vault, one towards the front door and one towards the fire station.”

“That’s a great idea, I understand that,” Guild said.

In other business, the board hired Brian Lee as a part-time highway worker and maintenance man at $16 an hour. Lee has a Class A license and comes with eight years of plowing experience, Chretien said.

The Planning Board is working to set up a 6:30 p.m. July 22 meeting on the medical marijuana ordinance.

They want to put the ordinance before voters for approval on Aug. 11 when the town meeting referendum vote is held, interim Administrative Assistant to the Board of Selectpersons Amy Byron said.

“It will be a yes/no question,” she said.


Guild said those ballots may have to be hand counted. She questioned if there was time enough between the July 22 meeting and the Aug. 11 vote to meet state requirements.

“They’ve reduced the time from 45 days to 15 because of COVID-19,” Byron said.

After stepping down from the Administrative Assistant position on June 8, the board hired Byron on June 22 to fill in until a replacement is hired.

Six applications have been submitted for the position. Interviews with three candidates are being set up for Wednesday, July 15, Byron said following an executive session.


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