Livermore highway foreman Roger Ferland shares information about a speed limit sign at Monday night’s Select Board meeting. Pam Harnden/Livermore Falls Advertiser

LIVERMORE — Selectpersons on Monday approved closing the Town Office at noon June 30 to complete information for this fiscal year.

They also approved closing the office Friday, July 3, in observance of Independence Day, July 4. The transfer station will be closed July 4.

Selectpersons set a hearing on the proposed 2020-21 municipal budget for 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, July 8, via Zoom. Board members will meet in the fire station. The public can join by obtaining the meeting ID number and password on the town calendar on the Livermore website. Questions and comments will be possible during the meeting.

Selectpersons last month voted to have the annual Town Meeting warrant articles decided at the polls from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Aug. 11 at the Spruce Mountain Primary School, 107 Gibbs Mill Road. Town elections will be held July 14, the same day as the statewide primary.

On Monday, highway foreman Roger Ferland said he attended a training session on speed limit signs, which the town is considering to slow motorists.

“We’ve got to put it up on a personal trailer, like Harbor Freight,” Ferland said. “We’re looking for two weeks for the battery. Even though it’s solar charged we either have to move it back to the garage or purchase another battery.”


The board favored buying another battery.

“The sign information is all set up on the highway department’s laptop,” Ferland said.

People on the Bowles Road are not very impressed with that road, Ferland said.

Selectperson Scott Richmond said he had gotten a complaint earlier Monday.

“I went and checked it out. It’s horrible,” he said.

Ferland suggested adding gravel to smooth it out.

“What little there is there for tar, roll it in and grade it,” Richmond added.

“We can at least do a little bit on it,” Ferland said.

In other business, selectpersons accepted a $1,250 bid from Brian McMullen of 6 Marcus St. for a foreclosed property. The unbuildable lot at Marcus Street and Sanders Road is about 0.2 acres. It was the only bid received.

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