If you can identify where this photo was taken, contact us at bmail@sunjournal.com or call 689-2896 and leave a voicemail with your answer, your name, town, and phone number. Correct entries will be eligible for a drawing for a $20 gift card, courtesy of Hannaford Supermarkets. Find the Mystery Photo online at https://stage.sunjournal.com/tag/mystery-photo/

Mystery photo for June 14, 2020. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal Buy this Photo

Mystery photo for June 7, 2020. Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal Buy this Photo

Last week’s mystery photo of the East Poland Post Office at Bailey Brothers General Store on the Empire Road in Poland was an easy guess for many area residents that talked about fond memories from the store and visiting the post office.  One caller told us how she once spent hours on the phone in the photo talking to her boyfriend long into the night.  Many thought it was closed permanently.  While the store is closed, the post office is still open, but as one caller noted, “It’s open sometimes but closed most of the time.”  Our winner, RP Rose, of West Poland, wrote this: “Thought they were permanently closed until my wife applied for a job @ the PO here in West Poland where we live & found out they’re still open for two hours a day, who knew?


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