WEST PARIS — On Saturday, March 7 at 10 a.m. West Paris will hold its annual town meeting at the Agnes Gray Elementary School.

Town Manager Wade Rainey said that if all articles are approved as presented the town’s budget will be a little higher than last year’s.

Selectman Dale Piirainen will be seeking re-election for another three-year term. Piirainen is currently running unopposed. As of now he serves as select board chairman.

Resident Clay Abbott will also be seeking re-election for another three-year term as Water District Director.

Notable articles

Article 19 asks if residents “will vote to raise and appropriate $23,340 for recreational programs ($18,400) and ball field maintenance ($4,950).” Selectmen and the Budget Committee recommend $14,950 total ($10,000 for recreation and $4,950 for maintenance).


At last year’s meeting, the recommended amount of $13,500 for recreation programs and field maintenance generated discussion among several residents, with a few expressing their concerns on the overall cost. One attendee at the meeting explained that the money also goes toward umpire fees, equipment, dues, uniforms, and electricity. The article passed with some opposition.

A much closer vote occurred near the end of last year’s meeting on Article 42, with residents voting 17-16 in favor of raising $2,450 for outside non-profit organizations. The article itself asked town voters if they were willing to raise $4,950, $2,500 more than the select board and budget committee’s recommendation. Those opposed asked town officials why they would not appropriate money for programs designed to benefit people throughout Oxford County. Board and budget committee members last year said the amount was too high because residents’ tax dollars were going toward programs that were not town responsibilities.

The non-profit agencies last year were Seniors Plus, Community Concepts, Androscoggin Home Health, Sexual Assault Prevention and Tri-County Mental Health. All agencies have requested money from the town this year also, with an additional agency, “Safe Voices,” also on the town warrant. This year the total amount requested by agencies is $8,000, but selectmen and the budget have committee recommended raising only $3,000 for the outside non-profits.

Selectmen and the budget committee have also suggested raising $389,960 for the Highway Department, although the article itself is asks if residents will raise $390,460. Under the board and budget committee’s recommendation, they have more money devoted toward garage operations/equipment maintenance ($68,860 vs. $67,860), less toward summer operations ($144,100 vs $158,600) and more toward winter operations ($177,000 vs $164,000).

Article 18 asks if citizens will vote to raise $109,260 for the Fire Department. The select board and budget committee recommended raising only $84,720. Last year the department’s approved budget was $95,810.

The budget committee and selectmen have also recommended approval for $6,000 for the West Paris Explorers After-School Program. The primary goal of the program is to provide students at Agnes Gray with enrichment activities that will focus on physical fitness, health and wellness activities, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math), performing arts, and tutoring. The program targets Agnes Gray students who need extra support academically.

Lastly, the board and budget committee hope the town will vote to raise $10,000 for the library window repair and restoration project. According to the warrant, the 2016 estimate on this project was $24,000.



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