Monday, November 18, 2019 Board of Selectmen meeting was called to order at 6:02 pm.

A liquor license renewal application for Tranet, D/B/A/ RFA, Rangeley Friends of the Arts was approved and the language for the Special Town Meeting, scheduled for January 8, 2020, ballot was approved.

Dina Jackson, Economic Development Specialist with Androscoggin Valley Council of Government submitted an email following up a conversation concerning the NBRC (National Border Regional Commission) grant. She wanted to make sure the town was aware of the deadline to demonstrate committed match monies as required per the grant. The date is September 30, 2020.

The Rangeley Health Ride Policy was on the agenda as a new item but would be tabled until a full board was present per the request of Chairman Philbrick. The policy appears to be written with just the insurance requirements in mind and in no way addresses, program administrator responsibilities, how expenditures will be approved and how who rides is determined, perhaps an additional document is necessary if it is determined the policy for insurance purposes is not the place for the other details that should be outlined for the program. The Board would approve a letter of support for the base lodge renovation project at Saddleback, Chairman Philbrick indicated this item could not wait until a full board was in attendance as it was time sensitive and stated he would take the document to the absent members for their signatures.

Town Manager Report items included department head updates submitted by the Police Chief, the Fire Chief, and the Code Enforcement Officer. A calendar item to begin scheduling budget meetings, brought up the need for budget committee members, the board is a seven member board requiring five members in attendance to constitute a quorum, there are currently only three members on the committee. Please consider actively participating in local government and submit an application to be on the budget committee. The Board authorized a $26,596.80 expenditure from the general reserve to pay for the agent agreement for chick hill resources between the Town and Shane McDougall. An email updating the Board concerning the airport project force account was submitted, once the final funds are received the total will be $631,994.43. It seemed to be unclear why this money has to be designated as Airport funds, some questions were raised regarding where the information stating such a requirement could be located, no one in attendance was sure.

The next regularly scheduled Board of Selectmen meeting will be held December 2 at 6:00 pm. A public hearing will be held December 16, 2019 at 5pm to discuss special town meeting warrant items, purchase of 10 Depot Street and the road construction loan. The special Town Meeting is scheduled for January 8, 2019 polls to be open from 8am to 8pm.

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