Board: Turner selectmen

Met: Monday night

Fixing Fish Street

Issue: Last year, the town won a $55,000 grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency to repair erosion along Fish Street, which is being worn away by the Nezinscot River.

Issue: It’s worse than it first appeared.

Up next: Town Manager Eva Leavitt is going to ask FEMA for additional time and funds. Mitigation work could take $125,000.


Another year, another rink

Issue: Board Chairman Angelo Terreri, also president of the Turner Athletic Association, plans fundraising efforts for the ice-skating rink at Village Crossing.

The scoop: The 100- by 100-foot rink was new last year.

Up next: A collection box for money to spend on materials will go up at the rink. Donations may also be sent to the Town Office. Tererri said he’s aiming to have the rink up Nov. 15 if the weather cooperates.

Ice fishing, revisited

Issue: Resident Emile Gagnon is petitioning the state to bring back ice fishing on Little Wilson Pond.


The scoop: Several people at the selectmen’s meeting asked the board to clarify its position. Terreri said the board’s straw poll two weeks ago was in support of Gagnon, not in support of ice fishing. Officially, the board is neither for nor against.

Up next: It’s up to the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, not the town, if it returns.


Issue: Selectmen raised the income limit for people applying to General Assistance by 1 percent, following the state’s annual recommendation.

Issue: The Maine Municipal Association sent Turner a dividend check for $3,941. According to the MMA, it was for “its good loss experience and loss prevention programs.”

Staff writer Kathryn Skelton can be reached at 689-2844 or

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