AUBURN — Brunswick stopped Edward Little on the opening drive and then let loose with a scorching offense for the rest of the football game Friday night at Walton Field.

Through a haze of penalty flags that fell like hail the entire the night, Brunswick (2-0) made its way through all that yellow to prevail with a 47-21 victory.

The Red Eddies show signs of unraveling after being stopped cold on the 10-yard line, and that’s when Brunswsick went to work, taking advantage of a stream of penalties, interceptions and fumbles.

“I thought we played really well,” Brunswick coach Dan Cooper said. “I thought Edward Little came out really well and we withstood what they had and made a good goal-line stand, and once that happened, we made a few plays and started separating.

“They really threatened us there. They self destructed a little bit … and that obviously helped us to turn the tide in our favor. The kids stay focused. They didn’t loose their poise. We just stayed the course and played hard and things happened.”

Senior linebacker Mitch Lienert set up the Dragons when he intercepted an EL pass and brought it back to the 43-yard line. The Dragons moved to the 45 and handed the ball off to senior running back Owen Richardson for their first touchdown of the evening. Cam Folsom made the kick and Brunswick was in the driver’s seat with 7-0 lead.


But the Red Eddies, who demonstrated zeal and fortitude on that opening drive, came right back at Brunswick. Senior Giles Paradie slipped into the end zone with a 1-yard TD and Misha Boulet delivered the extra point to tie the game.

The Dragons, however, put their offensive operation in full swing in the second quarter. Richardson delivered the goods again on a long drive that allowed him to score from the EL 3-yard line. Folsom split the uprights again for a 14-7 lead.

Edward Little fumbled on the 37, handing the ball right back to the Dragons, who ended up at the 3, from which Cam Hathaway spilled into the end zone with a TD. The conversion failed, but it didn’t matter because Richardson would score his third touchdown of the first half, providing the Dragons with a 27-7 lead at halftime.

“We had the ball rolling,” Edward Little coach Dave Sterling said. “We played well in the beginning and got behind the sticks and they got the momentum.

“We had a couple people get hurt and come out the game.  You know we’ve got to get tougher. We have to do a lot of work to become a better football team. There is no forgiveness in this league. We play at the highest level.”

In the second half, the Red Eddies collected a couple of touchdowns. Storm Jipson scored on an 18-yard run and quarterback Jack Keefe send a 62-yard pass over to Noah Jordan for touchdown, with Boulet splitting the uprights twice.

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