After a decade as a police officer, Daniel Vachon has traded in his blue uniform for shorts and a whistle. He is now working as a physical education teacher in the schools where he once served as a DARE officer. He splits his time between Longley and Martel schools.
Name: Dan Vachon
Age: 34
Children: Halie Vachon and Brycin Vachon
Hometown: Lewiston
Married or single? In a relationship.
You became a teacher first. Why? My mother had a day care when I was younger, and I enjoyed helping her with some of the infants that she watched. I had wonderful teachers growing up in the Lewiston community that had a positive influence on me becoming a teacher. My favorite was Paul Berube, my sixth-grade teacher.
Why did you become a police officer? I had family and friends in law enforcement and thought that it would be an exciting career. I went on ride-alongs with the Lewiston Police Department, saw their professionalism, and wanted to be part of what they did in the community.
What’s the most dangerous experience you had a police officer? I’m sure that I have had many in my 10-year career in law enforcement, but there really isn’t any one that stands out. I guess you don’t really think of the dangers when you are doing your job.
Why become a teacher again? While working for the Lewiston Police Department, Chief (Bill) Welch assigned me to the Youth and Family Service Unit, where I was the DARE officer in the Lewiston elementary schools. While working with the people in the Lewiston School Department as the DARE officer, I knew that my passion was in teaching and working with the children in the Lewiston community. Deanna Nadeau was a big part in helping me realize where I was at my best.
What has been your most dangerous experience as a teacher? I don’t think that I have experienced anything dangerous when teaching.
When kids find out that you were a cop, how do they act? I have asked several of the kids if they remember their DARE officer, Officer Vachon. The ones that I have had in DARE say that they remember and had fun with Officer Vachon, but none of them recognize me until I tell them who I am and what I used to do. They seem very surprised when I tell them who I am and they always ask if I am still a police officer.
Which do you miss the most: the badge, the gun or the cruiser? At the moment, the only thing that I miss about police work is the camaraderie. I have been lucky enough to have worked alongside great officers in my career at the Lewiston Police Department and Androscoggin Sheriff’s Department. No one really understands what it takes to be a police officer unless you are part of the profession.
Which job is tougher? I think that when you have found a job that you enjoy and are passionate about, it is the easiest job in the world. I believe that I have found that job in the Lewiston School Department.
- Jose Leiva/Sun Journal Dan Vachon a former Lewiston police officer now works as a gym teacher at Longley Elementary School in Lewiston.
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