AUBURN — The Androscoggin Historical Society elected officers and board members for the 2019-20 year at a recent meeting.

New board members are Joline Froton, Everett Bertrand and Sonia Jack.

Froton is a native of Lewiston. Having graduated from Lewiston High School, she was employed at Bates College for 27 years, where first she managed the post office, then the college store. She served as the administrative assistant for the Androscoggin Historical Society for six years. She has spent 15 years volunteering at Maine Adaptive Skiing and Recreation. Froton is the mother of two daughters and a son and grandmother of three. She enjoys traveling, skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, knitting and reading historical novels.

Joline Froton

A resident of Minot, Bertrand graduated from Poland Regional High School. He completed a double major in economics and history at Wheaton College in Norton, Massachusetts. At Wheaton, he was head resident advisor and was a member of the history club and the men’s rugby team. He attended junior semester abroad at University of Canterbury, New Zealand.

As an intern at Androscoggin Historical Society, he transcribed the letters of Edward Little for publication in Douglas Hodgkin’s book, “Dear Parent,” the biography of the founder of ELHS. His work history includes customer service at TD Bank. He is a financial advisor with Merrill Lynch.

Everett Bertrand

Jack graduated in 1979 with a bachelor of science in elementary education from the University of Maine at Farmington. She taught at St. Peter’s School in Lewiston and Webster School in Auburn. She retired from teaching in 2016, having completed 33 years in Litchfield. She taught every grade level from kindergarten to eight. Jack taught social studies for most of her 37 years in education and has a great interest in history. She volunteers at the Dempsey Center once a week. She states that her husband and her four grandchildren “are the light of my life.”

Sonia Jack

Officers elected at the annual meeting were Curtis Jack, president; Cathy McDonald, vice president; David Chittim, treasurer; and Douglas Hodgkin, secretary.

Board members re-elected were Penny Jessop, Stephen Marsden, Rick Morris, Merton Ricker, Beverly Robbins, Ethelind Wright, David Young and Elizabeth Young.

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