The Rangeley Lakes Regional School MSAD 78 School Board and Building Committee are pleased to announce that the renovations at the school are complete.  Rick Walker of the Budget Committee reported that the work was completed within the budget. According to the Building Committee Chair Person, Ginny Nuttall, the students and staff have shown a new sense of pride and appreciation for the changes in the building.  And recent survey results have indicated that students feel safe in our school. Principal Georgia Campbell explains “everyone seems to be enjoying the new spaces. We will continue to make improvements to help our school function at its best.”

The building renovations reflect our  4 goals – 1. meet ADA standards,  2. update the science labs,  3. improve safety in the school, particularly, fire safety and building security, and 4. support learning in the 21st century by providing improved spaces  and technology systems that address changes in the needs and learning of today’s students .

Watch for the opportunity to visit the school, later in the summer.  The most prominent changes include the new entry addressing safety, the updated bathroom and locker room facilities meeting ADA standards, the relocation of the office for administration, and the new high school section.

The Building Committee has provided an opportunity for community members to continue supporting education by tax-free donations to the Rangeley School Education Legacy Fund . Donors can direct funds to a particular field such as —STEM -Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math, — the Arts,         —Programs supporting students’ Social, Emotional and Mental Health, — Building and Grounds —or a general fund for teacher developed learning opportunities.    For information contact Sheila Raymond, Business Manager at the school or Ginny Nuttall, Building Committee Chair.

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