CASCO – The sounds of screaming led police to a Tenney Hill Road home Friday morning where they found a woman who had been beaten nearly unconscious. Shortly after, police found a Lewiston man accused of beating and biting the woman.

Cory P. Waugh, 27, of 98 Pine St., was jailed later in the day on several charges, including assault, criminal restraint, criminal mischief and criminal threatening.

Police say Waugh punched 33-year-old Farrah M. Downey several times, beat her head against the pavement and bit her. According to police reports, Downey was bleeding and nearly unconscious when officers first arrived at her home.

Downey told Cumberland County Sheriff deputies that she had been in her car with Waugh, whom she described as a friend. The two were involved in a heated argument, police said, and Waugh allegedly punched Downey in the head.

Waugh then punched out the passengers’ side window of Downey’s car, according to a police report. Waugh pulled Downey from the vehicle and proceeded to bang her face off the pavement. Downey told police that Waugh also bit her thumb during the assault.

Police said Waugh then forced Downey back into the passengers’ side of her vehicle. Waugh got into the drivers’ side and drove off. According to Downey, Waugh told her that he was taking her to Lewiston where he was going to kill the both of them. Downey pleaded with Waugh to release her as he drove, police said.


During the drive, Waugh calmed down, Downey told police. She said that Waugh told her that he was going to take her to his residence and “clean her up first,” continuing to drive toward Lewiston. Police said Downey continued to plead with Waugh to let her go during the commute and that he eventually agreed to drive her back toward her residence on Tenney Hill Road.

Waugh released Downey and then fled the scene on foot when she started to scream for help, police said.

Casco Fire and Rescue responded and took Downey to Bridgton Hospital. Police said Downey sustained a serious contusion to her head, a possible concussion, as well as additional cuts and bruises on her face, head and thumb. She was released from the hospital later Friday.

Police said sheriff’s deputies located Waugh about an hour later walking along Route 11 near the Crooked River School in Casco. He was placed under arrest without further incident and transported to the Cumberland County Jail.

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