LIVERMORE — Selectpersons on Tuesday night scheduled a public hearing and special town meeting for a request by Inside Out Indoor Garden Supply to sell medical marijuana.

Owners Nick and Karin Ashmore have operated the garden supply business on Route 4 for five years. Karin Ashmore was a licensed medical marijuana provider prior to when state laws changed Dec. 3.

The Planning Board reviewed the site plan for Inside Out at its May 22 meeting.

Amy Byron, the town’s administrative assistant, said the Ashmores are looking to expand and change their business offerings. They do not plan to change the store’s footprint.

Livermore selectpersons vote Tuesday to spend up to $10,000 to shim a section of Gibbs Mill Road, between Route 4 and Robinson Road. Livermore Falls Advertiser photo by Pam Harnden

“Karin is grandfathered as a medical marijuana caregiver,” Byron said. “The Planning Board determined the application is complete. The next step is to schedule a public hearing with a special town meeting immediately afterward for voting.”

The board opted in April to do nothing with a medical marijuana moratorium on the advice of Maine Municipal Association. If a medical marijuana business wants to operate in the town, it must go to a town vote.


Byron said caregivers are not required to tell town officials they are licensed.

Selectperson Ben Guild said Karin Ashmore has been selling supplies and paraphernalia, but not the actual product.

“She basically had everything set up, ready to go,” he said.

Byron asked if she should schedule the meetings on a night when selectpersons or the Planning Board meets.

Selectperson Tom Gould asked if it could be held on the same night as the annual town meeting, June 12. Other board members were not supportive.

“We want to make sure people know about this meeting (and) have as many people there as possible,” Gould said.


Byron said, “The last thing we want is having people say they didn’t know.”

The board agreed to June 24, the date of the first Selectboard meeting after the annual town meeting. A time and location have not been set.

Information will be distributed at the June 11 primary vote and the annual town meeting.

Byron said she has to publish the meeting in three places.

In other matters, the board unanimously approved spending up to $10,000 to shim one side of the Gibbs Mill Road between Route 4 and Robinson Road. Spencer Paving Group is paving Robinson Road.

Highway Foreman Roger Ferland said one side is sinking badly.


Chretien said he and Ferland looked it over.

“It’s about 100 feet of road,” he said. “We’ll waste more using cold mix. If $10,000 will cover it, do it.”

There is money in the capital highway improvement budget, which had been planned for a couple of culverts on the River Road.

“It will be more cost-effective (to do Gibbs Mills Road) since the pavers are already there,” Gould said. “They won’t have to move their equipment.”

Ferland said he planned to meet with Spencer Paving on Wednesday morning to see if the work could be scheduled.

“It’s just shim,” Chretien said. “It won’t look pretty but it will be effective.”

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