It is unfortunate today that we hear from high places encouragement of hate and violence that emanate from both sides of the aisle and, particularly, from the media.

President Donald Trump with his lack of humility, the immediate hostility from the leadership of the Democrats and their allies in the compliant media, stir impulses of anger that appear to be endless.

I, for one am weary of this harangue and long for peaceful cooperation for the well-being of our nation. How about you, have you enjoyed about all of this that you can stand?

I ask myself, how can there be resolution to this anger and hatred. I recognize that this will not be an easy task to solve.

However, let us examine something from an unanticipated source.

Natives in New Guinea have a method of capturing small monkeys. They cut a small hole in a coconut, empty the contents and then fill it with rice, which the monkeys savor. After mounting the coconut in an area for a trap, a hunter waits. Once the monkey gets his paw into the rice, he’s not able to pull his paw from the coconut and clings to the rice. By doing this he becomes easy prey.


This reminds me of the Democratic philosophy today, that if Trump suggests anything, worthy or not, the response is immediately hostile and they will not let go of it. This, in turn, generates more hostility from Trump.

The lack of understanding and unforgiveness from both parties is pathetic.

Particularly as we begin the New Year, I encourage all — regardless of philosophy or whether you are independent, Democrat of Republican — please try and entertain opinions that will help strengthen our country rather than marginalize it.

We all can and will benefit, if we will work openly without malice to try and solve problems of health care, immigration, and areas of the economy that will benefit the country as a whole. All of these problems need resolution in a fiscally prudent and sound manner.

If we will work and solve them together we will strengthen and not weaken our well-being or our freedom.

I also encourage all to consider an approach that was part of our founding as a Christian nation: open your hearts and minds in a humble manner to our Almighty God and that each of us to ask for guidance and forgiveness of our previous approach to all things.


We all have free will, but far too often many choose to respond to affairs in an impulsive manner with a “Me First” approach. Instead, try and approach all of our circumstances by asking for our Lord to do His will and not ours to be done. I fervently believe that, if this course is followed, that the future of our beloved nation will be bright.

It is my desire that justice, liberty and our freedom will prosper for all and, as a result, our nation may become unified. Many may say this approach is the height of naivete. However, it is based squarely on faith and trust in Almighty God.

I refer to Matthew 12:35: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand.”

Another View is a weekly column written collaboratively by Dale Landrith of Camden, Ken Frederic of Bristol, Paul Ackerman of Martinsville, Jan Dolcater of Rockport and Ralph “Doc” Wallace of Rockport.

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