What is this about a “world-class” facility (the new Edward Little High School)? Artificial turf, of course, the best that money can buy. And don’t leave out a “professional” soccer field for the girls.

Grass doesn’t grow on trees, you know. A “median” home of $155,000 in Auburn has an unrealistic property tax bill of more than $3,700 a year. Auburn’s industrial park has had no growth in 14 years (should be in foreclosure).

The reality is a decreasing student population, year after year, and Mid-Maine Waste Action Corp. is finding that recycling is a farce.

I raise my glass to the managers of Lake Auburn but I won’t be drinking the water. My eyes, nose and taste buds are rather upset with what they have done with my waterhole.

But, yup, artificial turf for the new ELHS — that’s the only thing that can save Auburn.

Let’s spend it like we stole it because nobody, including the present children, will be able to afford property in Auburn in years to come.

As Paul Harvey would say, “Good day.”

Jeffrey Keenan, Auburn

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