100 years ago: 1918

“The power of the press, not the power of armies, ended the war,” said Dr. Eugene A. Crockett, of Boston, a major in the American Red Cross, today. He added that he had interrogated hundreds of prisoners of every nationality who had returned from Austria and that he had agreed that Austria’s death blow was dealt thru the medium of the press by President Wilson when he announced that he had recognized Czechoslovakia as an independent belligerent state and power.

50 years ago: 1968

A repeat for the popular class on nut cone wreath-making has been set by the YWCA with Mrs. Ronald Logan to be the instructor for the three-week series. The first class will start at 7:30 p.m., Nov. 25, and will continue through Dec. 9. Participants must bring their own supplies. The wreaths are made on a wire frame from pine cones, fir cones, horse chestnuts, beechnuts, acorns, mixed nuts and walnuts wrapped in old nylon stockings and the results are most beautiful and satisfying.

25 years ago: 1993

Lewiston-Auburn took it on the chin again Monday as the fourth major storm in 10 days belted the two cities with a frustrating combination of rain, sleet and snow. Driving rain soaked the region Monday night, cutting into the snow cover and causing some minor flooding. A power failure late Monday afternoon affected dozens of homes and business places across a wide area of Lewiston. Power was off about 20 minutes.

The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared, although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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