Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s high school and college social activities were the emphasis for the Democrats rather than his outstanding adult judicial record. How many members of Congress could withstand scrutiny of their high school and college social activities?

I thank Sen. Susan Collins for her scholarly speech analyzing the hearing.

The concept of Medicaid expansion to able adults had been accepted by the Republicans if the Democratic sponsors could explain how that expensive program was going to be funded each year with a dependable source of funds. Democrats have not furnished a solution. They usually spend the state’s savings and surpluses, then raise taxes.

The liberal Democrats amazingly uttered the words “higher taxes” to pay for Question One. It was clearly a “tax the rich” scheme, but middle class couples and small businesses would have been hit the hardest. The financial benefit from the tax revenue would have gone to a narrow special interest.

Ranked-choice voting was discarded by other states, but now used here. Why has the experience of others be disregarded?

I hope that governor-elect Janet Mills will do a better job as governor than she did as attorney general.

Recently, Sen. Angus King was listed in the Portland Sunday Telegram as voting “no” on 10 of 10 President Trump nominees for judgeships. That “independent” is a Democrat pawn.

Robert Mueller’s probe into President Trump’s alleged collusion with Russians is now two years old and nothing reported. Mueller must be having trouble finding something. No concern about expense.

Thomas Shields, Auburn

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