Buckfield Board of Selectmen

Nov. 6, 2018

Buckfield Municipal Building

Rescue coverage

What happened: Selectmen unanimously approved an interim contract for rescue coverage for the town of Sumner.

What it means: It is a seven-month agreement, from Dec. 1, 2018, through June 30, 2019, for $5,523. Sumner lost two-thirds of its rescue coverage after Tri-Town Rescue closed. Buckfield Rescue already covers one-third of Sumner and now covers the entire town of Sumner through mutual aid through the end of November.


What’s next: Rescue Chief Floyd “Chip” Richardson will work with Town Manager Joe Roach and bring a proposed three-year contract back to selectmen at a future meeting.

School budget

What happened: Selectmen formed the School Exploration Committee after hosting a discussion with the town’s RSU 10 representatives about the school district’s budget and issues.

What it means: Voting for the committee were Vice Chair Tina Brooks and Selectman Dona Grant. Voting against was Chair Cheryl Coffman. The committee will have three Buckfield residents who will discuss many issues facing the school districts and towns, which could include withdrawal from RSU 10. School board members Jerry Wiley and Michelle Casey presented to selectmen and said about 61 percent of Buckfield’s overall budget is payment to the school district. Casey noted a school resource officer for the Buckfield Junior/Senior High School was approved at the June town meeting and still not in place. The playground at the Hartford-Sumner Elementary School is a safety hazard and needs to be replaced.  

What’s next: Residents of Sumner and Hartford are expected to be invited to join the School Exploration Committee.

Carbon fee

What happened: Roberta Hill of the Citizens’ Climate Lobby Oxford Hills chapter gave a presentation on climate change and the proposed revenue-neutral fee on carbon fuels.

What it means: The legislation is for the federal level and proposed by Citizens’ Climate Lobby. Its goal is to reduce carbon emissions and to prevent catastrophic events as a result of climate change. It would put a fee on fossil fuel emissions at $15 per ton, and all revenue would be shared with households.

What’s next: Selectmen will review the information and decide whether to sign the Climate Action Resolution once their questions are answered.

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