Many claims are being made by candidates and commercials in the battle for Maine’s 2nd District congressional seat. Some are true. Some are, at best, a stretch.

Some are outright lies.

With millions of dollars pouring into Maine for television advertisements that often take aim at Democrat Jared Golden or Republican Bruce Poliquin — along with an assortment of nasty mailers — voters in the Nov. 6 race are hard-pressed to figure out what is true and what is not.

Here is a look at some of the claims and the facts behind them


An advertisement for Poliquin saying Golden would “stop Mainers from purchasing home heating oil, natural gas or even gasoline” is highly exaggerated.


On the energy topic, Golden has said he would support a ban on new fossil fuel infrastructure in the state (new pipelines, etc.) as part of an effort to rely on green energy for all of Maine’s energy needs by 2050.

A 32-year transition away from fossil fuels — which would be too slow to prevent catastrophic climate change, according to a recent United Nations report — does not mean Golden is against Mainers having heat for their homes or fuel for their cars, which is what the advertisement implies. Nor does it mean Mainers would no longer be able to buy fossil fuels.


In a recent Facebook post, Poliquin made a series of statements about his stance on jobs over the years, including the assertion that he “fought unfair Chinese subsidies before the International Trade Commission” and pushed the Veterans Administration to pay its bills more quickly. Both are true.

Poliquin helped Auburn Manufacturing Co. of Mechanic Falls win a case vital to its ongoing success. He also pressed the VA to cough up past-due bills, according to the chairman of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs, Phil Roe, R-Tenn.

It is also true that Poliquin has opposed many trade deals, including the Trans-Pacific Partnership that President Donald Trump quit soon after taking office. Also correct is Poliquin’s comment that unemployment is down since he took office after the 2014 election, both nationally and in Maine, and that wages have gone up.



A new television advertisement targeted at seniors accuses Golden of wanting “to turn your golden years into his” by supporting Medicare-for-all,   and of using “your Social Security to fund other government programs.”

The National Republican Campaign Committee assertions are baseless.

The ad points to a May 23 Portland Press Herald column by Golden. However, the column merely explains Golden’s support for a home health care initiative on this year’s Maine ballot. The proposal would be implemented only in Maine and would not spend any Social Security money.

The NRCC claims Golden “will do anything to pay for his … agenda — even if it means ending Medicare as we know it,” said its communications director, Matt Gorman.

Again, false and misleading. The Medicare-for-all idea that Golden supports — which would be costly — would not end Medicare “as we know it.” In fact, it would extend the popular program to all Americans, not just seniors. Golden has said he would start by letting those 55 and older join the program if they needed affordable medical coverage.



Poliquin routinely talks about his 2015 vote in opposition to repeal of the Affordable Care Act.

What he doesn’t mention often is his House vote in 2017 in favor of repeal of the same law, which sent the issue to the U.S. Senate, where Republican Susan Collins of Maine voted against repeal, retaining the program. For that reason, his comments on the campaign trail about his 2015 vote are less then genuine.


Based on Golden’s past actions and statements, for the vast majority of gun owners, that statement is false.

Poliquin has repeatedly pointed out the National Rifle Association gave Golden a D rating while awarding him an A. That statement is true. Poliquin also has the endorsement of the Sportsman’s Alliance of Maine.


Golden, a former combat Marine, said his low NRA rating came in part “because I took a stand to protect the victims of domestic abuse” by making it harder for their abusers to get guns.

Golden said in a recent debate he would also restrict access to guns to people with mental illness who are potentially dangerous, as well as to those on the federal government’s “No Fly” list compiled to target possible terrorists.

On the other hand, Golden has opposed banning so-called assault rifles and opposed efforts by some Democratic colleagues to pressure the Kittery Trading Post to stop selling them. He also did not go along with a move to raise the age of purchasing a firearm from 18 to 21, and opposed a 2016 referendum to expand background checks “because it went too far.”

In support of Poliquin’s A rating, Poliquin appears to have voted with the NRA line on every U.S. House bill since his 2014 election, including one in 2017 that repealed an Obama-era regulation that added some people with mental illnesses to the FBI’s background check database.

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