We live in a great democracy and yet, even with constant urging to “get out and vote,” rarely do we see voter turnouts that reach 50 percent of the eligible electorate.

Why don’t people vote? Or, maybe it is the corollary argument — why do people vote?

Let’s look at avoiders first. Sadly, perhaps almost tragically, many do not vote because they think it doesn’t matter. Usually this belief is founded in two views — first that the individual vote won’t make a difference, and second that, no matter who is in government, nothing will change.

I humbly submit that both are wrong. On the first point, the history of voting results is replete with examples of how one vote did make the difference in outcome, but the more important point here is that that one vote can be a part of the greater whole which in the aggregate prevails in the result. To not accept this fundamental voting obligation is to deny the value of democracy itself.

Let’s turn our attention now to those who do vote.

Here again I would opine that there are two basic reasons for this action: some of us exercise our vote for negative reasons — to oppose or negate certain government policies or actions. A time-tested reason here would be to oppose a government that one believes is responsible for increasing taxes. A second and perhaps more constructive reason for the active voter is to support a continuation of a policy that is deemed worthy or to support a change that the voter believes will improve their lives.


In Maine and around the country we have an opportunity this coming November to exercise our precious right to vote. The title of this column, “Another View,” could not be more prescient. The mainstream media has a decided bias toward the liberal or progressive view. Generally, they urge you to vote against conservative values such as limited government, and for progressive causes such as increased government programs – for example, Medicare for all and “free” college education, both of which could only be supported by extraordinary tax increases.

Here is a look at the conservative view.

Rarely has our country been in a better economic condition. This is crucial because a strong economy is good for everyone and, equally important, is vital to the safety of our country. The best recent illustration of this is the weakening of Russia as a world power — primarily because of a weak, debilitated economy. Our strong economy is the direct result of reducing government regulations making it easier for business to expand and, in turn, increase jobs that are necessary for commercial success. As a result, jobs are plentiful and unemployment in the U.S.A. is at a 49-year low — including unemployment numbers for minorities that are the lowest in history.

Further, while you personally may not have been affected by a change in employment status, your quality of life has been improved by having more of your fellow citizens purchase your services, provide you with services and, yes, to share in reducing your cost of taxation.

The current Republican majority government (without a single Democratic vote) also passed a massive tax reform package. Contrary to the progressive view that this only “helped the rich,” American businesses have now been able to expand production and repatriate operations from overseas — all resulting again in more jobs with increased prosperity for workers who, according to just-released figures from the Atlanta Fed’s “wage tracker,” have climbed to a national average wage of $27.24 per hour and are growing at an annual increase of 2.8 percent.

This, in itself, is a pretty good reason to vote for your Republican candidate.


Now, let’s take a look at voting against the government and what some progressive reasons might be for that action. Incredulously, Democrats are actually talking about repealing the tax reforms described above. How this could ever benefit citizens based upon the proven economic results for us all is a complete mystery.

Another negative reason for voting is to eliminate I.C.E. and have more open borders. Our democracy is founded upon a defined, geographical nation. While this nation has a proud history of welcoming all who wish to join us through a regulated immigration process, it cannot survive with unfettered access to all because of legitimate concerns for economic security and personal safety. We are a nation of laws and we must have law and order.

To conclude this view, there is a concern about the lack of civility by some Democratic leaders that arguably presses for a vote against their platform.

Hillary Clinton stated that Democrats “should not be civil toward Republicans.” Eric Holder urged his followers to “kick em” when speaking at a rally, and Maxine Waters incredulously told Democrats to “confront, harass, push back and create a crowd against Republican administrators in restaurants, department stores and gasoline stations.”

This normalization of uncivil behavior toward one’s political opponents is dangerous.

All considered, to keep Maine and the country safe and on the current prosperous track, there is every good reason to vote for the Republican ticket this November.

Another View is a weekly column written collaboratively by Dale Landrith of Camden, Ken Frederic of Bristol, Paul Ackerman of Martinsville, Jan Dolcater of Rockport and Ralph “Doc” Wallace of Rockport.

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