Recent Sun Journal editorials and news articles (July 8, Dec. 18 and 27) were critical of returning “some” asphalt roads to gravel in a cost-cutting measure. The subject deserves a longer discussion and a survey of especially rural communities to determine the logic of paving with asphalt.

Kudos to the town of Vienna for suggesting the replacement of certain asphalt roads with gravel.

In my campaigns for state senator, I have traveled many rural asphalt roads. In my days as state forester in the 1960s, such roads were gravel. Drainage is more important than asphalt.

I currently serve as the Republican state senator on the legislative Transportation Committee, and our group has discussed the subject. Gravel can be part of the solution for funding rural Maine roads.

I have lived on a gravel road for 43 years in Farmington and have never thought that paving would be a better alternative. Drainage and controlling surface runoff are key to good roads.

Walter R. Gooley, Farmington

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