MECHANIC FALLS — The town is getting closer to having a new home for its public library.

The Town Council unanimously agreed Monday night to hold a special town meeting to seek voters approval to lease the former railroad depot building in Depot Square Plaza. The building is own by Depot Square LLC.

The special town meeting has been scheduled for 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 16, at the Municipal Building, 108 Lewiston St.

Originally, the library was part of a move that took all town offices from 108 Lewiston St., formerly Mechanic Falls High School, to the former medical building on 22 Pleasant St.

“The council had asked for alternative plans in regards to renovating the new municipal building at 22 Pleasant St.,” Town Manager Zachary Maher said.

“In my efforts, I have identified substantial reductions in costs that will only be possible if we found a third location that would better suit the needs of the library.


“It is my intention to talk as much as I can to the merits and cost savings that this plan will allow for over the next couple weeks so that when the town meets, we can have a strong turnout and positive outcome.”

The Town Council said it has money to complete the library’s move, which would save more than $150,000 in building expenses.

The library’s trustees met in an emergency session Sept. 20 to discuss the benefits of moving to the depot building. The trustees voted unanimously to pursue the idea.

The railroad depot building is between the post office and Future Foods, a grocery store owned and operated Depot Square LLC.

The building, more than 100 years old, was used recently for a tattoo parlor. Before that, it was home to a video rental business.

The former railroad depot building in Depot Square Plaza.

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