Where do you think our country stands today as compared to our beginning?

Think on these facts — there were 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence and they utilized the following phrase: “they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.”

All but two of the signers were Christians, and I do not believe that this terminology would have been used by the signers if they were not Christians. There were 39 signers of the Constitution, and all but seven described themselves as Christian.

Although there is no accurate information as to the degree of religious faith held by these individuals, our faith in God has been the backbone of our growth in the fabric of our country over the past 242 years.

Lest, we never forget.

Both on our currency and on our coins, the phrase “In God We Trust” has been inscribed since 1861, and our pledge of allegiance includes “one nation under God.”


Several years ago, then President Obama declared “that we are no longer a Christian nation.” In both the national and local media others have expressed this same sentiment, as well.

It needs to be understood that during the last several years of “anything goes,” the number of individuals who considered themselves to be Christians has declined, but 70 percent of the population still consider our country to be a Christian nation.

Consider the hostile rhetoric today that flows from Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Barack Obama and others who bring about frustrated tweets from the White House. Our nation today is faced with major problems, both abroad and domestically, and we need to develop a dialogue of civility as we move forward to solve these issues.

Without unity we cannot solve the problems of our national debt, national security, or immigration.

As of this date, the Democrat platform consists of impeaching Trump, raising taxes, eliminating ICE, promoting open borders, and providing abundant “freebies” through socialism.

Do you genuinely feel this type of political platform is beneficial to our economy or to you and your family?


If each of you do not commit yourself to voting this November, consider the untenable results with which you may well be saddled.

For positive results to be attained, an informed electorate across all levels of the population in the country needs to increase significantly. All voters need to understand that they cannot vote themselves “welfare or other free goodies” from the public treasury. If this is not understood, many may have the illusion that those who promise the freest benefits are their benefactors, but in actuality they are a fraud.

Unfortunately, many of our younger generations lack the knowledge and understanding of our proud heritage. It is essential for all of us, and particularly for millennials, to recognize that no nation divided can stand.

It is imperative that after many years of the lack of personal discipline and a “me first” approach that lacks understanding of religious practices and its commitment, that this does not exempt them from reality.

We all should be one. Hopefully this can be accepted and, if we do, all will share with a positive result. Let the understanding and recognition of our memorable history prevail and our country will heal.

Another View is a weekly column written collaboratively by Dale Landrith of Camden, Ken Frederic of Bristol, Paul Ackerman of Martinsville, Jan Dolcater of Rockport and Ralph “Doc” Wallace of Rockport.

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