Jobs: How would you spur job growth in Maine and specifically in which industries?

Hamel: “We have a jobs crisis in Maine because of the poor business climate. The last 20 years was marked by unbridled spending and tax increases. I will support policies that create jobs in Maine – tax relief, legal reform, regulatory reform and fair trade that expands markets for Maine products.”

Economy: Is the economic outlook good, fair or poor in the 2nd Congressional District? Why? If fair or poor, what should be done to improve it?

Hamel: “Our tax burden is the second highest in the country and it is driving jobs out of our state. I believe congressional representatives must do much more than vote – they must also be leaders at home, driving our economic development. I will bring together community and business officials to help develop a new jobs strategy.”

Social Security: Should any or all of Social Security be privatized? What is the best way to ensure longevity of the program?

Hamel: “I will bring three guiding principles to Congress regarding efforts to strengthen the Social Security system: 1) no change in the retirement age for those already retired or near retirement age, 2) no change in benefits, and, 3) no payroll tax increases.”

Health care: What is the best way to provide health-care coverage to the estimated 45 million uninsured Americans as well as the underinsured?

Hamel: “Too many Americans are uninsured – health care costs are spiraling out of control. Small businesses are the backbone of the Maine economy. We must allow small businesses to join together so that they can get access to the cheaper prices that big companies have through group buying power.”

Prescription drugs: Do you favor making re-importation of prescription drugs legal? Should the federal government be able to negotiate prices for prescription drugs on which it plans to provide discounts to seniors on Medicare?

Hamel: “It must be one of Congress’ highest priorities to make sure every senior can afford the prescription medicine they need. We must build on the bipartisan Prescription Drug Plan that was passed by Congress last year to provide relief to our seniors. I will join with Sens. Snowe and Collins to make it legal and safe to re-import medicine from Canada.”

Abortion: Do you favor placing any restrictions on abortion? Do you support a constitutional amendment that would outlaw abortion?

Hamel: “Partial birth abortion should be banned. I support parental notification. I support the Laci Peterson Law, which gives value to a pregnant woman and her unborn child. I am not in favor of a constitutional amendment to overturn Roe vs. Wade.”

Marriage: Do you favor passage of federal laws aimed at preventing gay and lesbian couples from marrying? A constitutional amendment? Do you support passage of civil unions or other means for gays and lesbians to enjoy some of the benefits currently enjoyed by married couples?

Hamel: “I have been married for 24 years to my eighth-grade sweetheart. Gail and (I) have three wonderful daughters. I firmly believe the only legal definition of marriage is between one man and one woman. In Congress, I will do everything in my power to uphold the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act.

Patriot Act: Do you support all or part of the Patriot Act? If only part, which portions should be changed?

Hamel: “The Patriot Act was created as an important step to restructure our government resources so that they are in the best possible position to detect, address and prevent any future attacks on our country. It is important this is accomplished without sacrificing personal freedoms guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution.”

Iraq: Knowing what you do now, would you have supported the Bush administration’s decision to send troop into Iraq when it did? Should U.S. troops stay in Iraq? How long?

Hamel: “Our country is safer today because Saddam Hussein is out of power and locked up in a jail cell. We have already changed the lives for every Iraqi citizen for the better and we must not abandon our commitment to making sure Iraq is secure, democratic and free. A free Iraq in the heart of the Middle East will be a catalyst for democracy.”

Terrorism: Should the United States leave Iraq as soon as possible and shift its military focus back to Afghanistan and concentrate its efforts on tracking down al-Qaida and Osama bin Laden?

Hamel: “Terrorists attack America because they hate the principles on which we stand. Our individual equality, freedom of religion and freedom of speech are all despised by the terrorists. We must defeat them militarily where they live and we must advance the cause of freedom around the world so that there is no safe haven for terrorism.”

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