NORWAY — Two prominent local art collectors will be honored in September by the Western Maine Art Group’s second annual exhibit, “The Art of the Collector: Selected Works from the Collections of Dennise Whitley and Charlotte Snedecker.”

This exhibition series celebrates local residents whose commitment to the culture in our area enriches our communities and helps support a vibrant art scene. The exhibit will be on display from Sept. 7-16 at the Matolcsy Art Center, 480 Main St.

Dennise Whitley of Norway is a past member of the board of directors of the WMAG and a current board member of the Norway Historical Society. She grew up in the area and spent several years working at Stephens Memorial Hospital. 

Whitley’s art collection is warm and exuberant, embracing many styles of work. Many of the works speak to important moments in her life. A landscape by Vivian Milner Akers was a wedding gift to her parents from the artist and in a touching echo, a beautiful piece by Duncan E. Slade honors her own wedding to her husband, Barry Allen. Examples of Allen’s own landscape photography are included in the collection, as are pieces by her late daughter, Lisa.

Selected pieces from the collection of Charlotte Snedeker will also be featured. Originally from New Jersey, Charlotte and her husband, Ray, have lived in Maine for about 15 years. Ray is an artist himself. Their collection includes an array of oils, watercolors, pastels and photographs, most of which are executed in a realist style. Charlotte’s collection includes several pieces by her favorite artist, the well respected local artist, Barbara Traficonte.

There will be an opening reception for this exhibit from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 7, at the Matolcsy Art Center. The exhibit will also be open from noon to 3 p.m. Sept. 8-9 and 15-16.

The Western Maine Art Group is a 501(c)3 non-profit serving the arts in the area since 1962. For more information on the WMAG and our programs, visit the website,, on Facebook, or email

“Autumn Tree” by Michael Hatch, from the collection of Dennise Whitley.

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