ANDOVER — Voters will gather at the Town Hall at 8 a.m. Saturday to vote on a $1.04 million road bond, purchase a used ambulance and accept a donated firetruck.

Selectmen Mark Thurston and Brian Mills signed the meeting warrant Thursday.

According to Mills, the road bond will pay for reconstructing and paving about six miles of roads, including East B Hill, South Arm, East Andover and Farmers Hill roads.

A separate article asks voters to approve using money from the Comsat Trust Fund to repay the bond.

By using that money, Mills said, “we’re going to save on interest and we’re going to pay ourselves back. We really need to get out and vote to support it.”

Another article is whether to purchase a 2004 Ford ambulance from MedCare in Mexico to replace the Fire Department old ambulance. 


The 1988 ladder truck donated to the town by the Firemen’s Association is also on the warrant to decide if voters want to accept it.

Residents will also be asked to accept the 2018 Comprehensive Plan.

According to Mills, the plan involves “no costs, only recommendations.” It includes ideas for capital improvements and the knowledge of “where you see the town is heading and what you’re going to need to do to get there.”

Andover Selectmen Brian Mills, left, and Mark Thurston meet Thursday to sign the warrant for the town meeting scheduled for 8 a.m. Saturday at the Town Hall. (Marianne Hutchinson/Rumford Falls Times)

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