STRONG — With less than two weeks before the start of school, Regional School Unit 58 Superintendent Susan Pratt told directors Thursday said there are some vacant positions.

Classes begin Wednesday, Aug. 29.

“We still have some ed tech positions that are not filled,” Pratt said. There are applicants and the screening and interviewing process is underway, she said.

Pratt also explained that she is applying for federal funding for the district via the 2015 Every Student Succeeds Act, which reauthorizes the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 and replaces key requirements of the former No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

The Every Student Succeeds Act funding gives states additional flexibility and encourages states and schools to innovate, while at the same time being accountable for results, according to the Maine Department of Education’s website.

The law provides new flexibility to tailor strategies and interventions to meet the needs of students and schools.


Pratt explained that the lengthy application process is a requirement for all districts that want funding.

Baylie McLaughlin, a junior at Mt. Abram High School, was unanimously approved as the new student board member for the coming year.

The board debated the advantages and concerns of having a district Facebook page. Sean Tennent explained that the option would be an effective way to get information to the public, but he needed to research the legal ramifications and possible problems connected with the project. No one will be able to comment on postings, and the site will not include pictures of students. He will seek advice from the district’s attorneys at Drummond Woodsum.

“We need to have all the facts,” he said.

Over the summer, the board has approved hiring several new administrators, teachers, support staff, custodians and bus drivers:

• Strong Elementary School – Brenda Dwiggins, principal; Jessica Merrill, secretary; Kylee Alton, special education.


• Phillips Elementary School – Kathleen Howard, secretary; Margaret Therrien, educational technician; Lance Harvell, social studies.

• Kingfield Elementary School – Brad Cobb, science.

• Mt. Abram High School – Brian Deselits, athletic director/assistant principal; Jacob Boone, science/biology; Thomas Fiske, social studies.

• Support staff: – Sonja Walker, food service coordinator; Steve Pray, bus driver/custodian; Jeff Maget, bus driver.

• Coaches – Jennifer Boyd, Kingfield boys’ soccer; Lanie Roy, Kingfield girls’ soccer; Courtney Dunn, Phillips girls’ soccer; Jessica Ross, Phillips boys’ soccer.

At the Thursday’s meeting, the board also approved the resignations of Kingfield Elementary School Principal Jamie Ela, district Finance Manager Alison Gamache and Phillips Elementary School custodian Tori Bean.

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