JAY — The Regional School Unit 73 board of directors Thursday night received an update on renovation projects in local schools.

Building and Grounds Committee Chairman Doug DiPasquale said there is one month to get everything ready. “I think we’ll be ready on time,” he said.

The Siemens Energy Project includes a significant redesign of the multipurpose room, kitchen and main office at the elementary school.

DiPasquale said the roof at the elementary school was finished prior to the rainstorm Thursday. Installing lights in the new wing will begin next week.

“The new kitchen hallway is 1,000 percent better,” he said. “The high school boiler is coming along. On the energy audit, I think we’ll get everything we applied for.”

Interim Superintendent Robert Wall said Aug. 17 is the date given for completion of some work. Livermore board member Sara Hughes asked whether teachers would be able to be back in their rooms by then.


“Once they’re done, (the district’s) cleaning crew still needs to clean and wax the floors. Principal Chris Hollingsworth will give the OK,” Wall said.

Wall said another meeting is planned with the contractors Aug. 9. “They promised we’d see a lot more progress. We’ll proceed from there,” Wall said.

The kitchen is not expected to be done for the opening of school. “We’ll come up with a contingency plan, deal with things as they go,” Hollingsworth said.

Board Chairwoman Denise Rodzen said the meeting had to be moved to the Spruce Mountain Middle School cafeteria Thursday because of flooding at the Superintendent’s Office in Livermore Falls.

“Due to water running off the roof, the toilets are backing up and the faucets spitting water,” she said. “(Transportation and Facilities Director) Ken Vining is soaking water up off the floor. There was a lot of water in there.” 


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