Recently my son, JeanCarl, and I returned to Lewiston to make presentations on the SS. Peter and Paul Basilica. We thank those who attended and also the time and love provided by numerous wonderful folks. You are great people!

Unfortunately, we discovered, and photographed, inexcusable damage that is slowly destroying your Central Maine gem. Evident in the upstairs church is serious wall erosion not dissimilar to that before the multi-million dollar renovation a couple decades past. Just drive by on Ash Street and see that mass of rubble that once served as stairs. Shameful!

What stopped our hearts though was the apparent movement of the granite wall down in front behind the Good Shepherd statue. One wonders how something that formidable could move in some places over a half inch. It happens with frozen runoff, errant weeds and busy insects, all of which were present and noted.

Go see for yourselves. Walk up the steps from Bartlett Street and see the granite split on the left wall. A stone is actually moving out of the wall on your right. Then go up and stand above the Good Shepherd and see where the light-coloured stone is separating from the dark pavers.

The Sun Journal did a marvelous series on the inside and everyone should own its book on the Basilica. What we need now is a series to fix the outside. I hope Bishop Deeley is listening.

Alice Bisson-Barnes, San Bruno, California

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