President Trump has returned triumphant from his Asian summit with Kim Jong Un declaring boldly that he has developed a “special bond” with Kim. He tweeted upon arrival, “Just landed — a long trip, but everybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office. There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea.”

I am appalled that the president is so ignorant of world history. He should be reminded by his advisers who take the time to read that there was another democratic leader of a western country who sat down across the table with a dictator who was threatening the peace of Europe. Of course, I am speaking about Neville Chamberlain, the prime minister of Great Britain who flew to Munich, Germany in 1938 to negotiate with Adolf Hitler over the Sudetenland. His goal was to defuse the situation in order to avoid war in Europe. Upon arrival back in Britain, Chamberlain waived a piece of paper declaring “Peace in our time.” He said of Hitler “I can work with this man.” Britain was ecstatic. The world breathed a sigh of relief.

I hope and pray that this naive president is not another Chamberlain and has not signed another Munich agreement. History shows how that turned out.

George Howitt, Lewiston

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