OXFORD — On June 21, the longest day of the year and summer solstice, thousands of people will join together to show their love for those affected by Alzheimer’s disease. For the sixth year in a row, the Oxford Hills Duplicate Bridge Club is sponsoring three bridge games on Friday, June 22, to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Association.

Club members are inviting all bridge players to join them for a day of fun and fundraising to help research and support for the caregivers of the disease that affects more than 5 million Americans.

The Alzheimer’s Association has called all volunteers to sponsor their favorite activity on The Longest Day to raise money and awareness of the disease.

Games will start at 9 a.m., 1:30 p.m. and 6 p.m. at the Oxford Community Recreation Center, 233 King St. A free lunch and supper will be provided by local donations. Prizes will be awarded to the winners.

The charge is $10 a game unless the person brings in sponsors. Those who do will earn one free game with a $50 sponsorship; two free games with $75; and three free games with $100.

There will be games for social bridge players as well as duplicate. The club raised more than $16,000 last year and hopes to contribute more this year.

Those who wish to contribute may contact Pat Quinn at 207-539-8991, bridgeiscool@myfairpoint.net or write to her at 76 Otisfield Cove Road, Otisfield, ME 04270.

Oxford Hills Duplicate Bridge Club players, from left, Pat Quinn, Mike Quinn and Diana Ferland, wear Longest Day T-shirts during last year’s Bridge benefit for Alzheimer’s.

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