WILTON — The Planning Board deemed an application as complete last Thursday for a proposed Jarden Plastic Solutions parking lot expansion and Pleasant Street employee entrance.

The proposal is for a new 98 space employee parking lot on company property located at 5 Mill Street. According to the site plan submitted to the board, the new lot is “intended to separate employee parking from existing truck and plant operations traffic.”

The purpose of the proposed parking lot is to provide for the safety of employees. The number of employees will not change because of the new parking lot.

The proposed Pleasant Street employee-designated entrance will reduce vehicle trips on Mill Street, according to the site plan review. If approved, between 40 and 50 employees will utilize the entrance when changing shifts at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

Following the meeting, Code Enforcement Officer Charles Lavin said a number of abutting property owners were present and commented on the proposal.

Comments centered on increased traffic on Pleasant Street and Railroad Street, Lavin said.


Lavin said concern was voiced because Pleasant Street has a rural look and people tend to drive above the 25 mile per hour speed limit.

“Railroad Street is a narrow street going through a residential neighborhood and there is poor line of sight when entering and exiting Main Street,” explained Lavin.

It was pointed out by abutters that, because of its proximity to Routes 2 and 4, employees would be more likely to use Railroad Street, rather than follow Pleasant Street to Temple Road, Lavin stated.

Engineering plans for the project were completed by CEC, Inc. of Brewer.

The board scheduled a site visit for Thursday, Oct. 4 at 5 p.m. A Public Hearing regarding the application will be held on Thursday, October 18 at 7 p.m. at the Town Office, 158 Weld Rd.


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