WILTON — The Wilton Board of Selectpersons voted Tuesday night to adopt several changes to the town’s parking and traffic ordinance and approve the 2018 wastewater budget.

Significant changes to the traffic ordinance include the allowing of U-turns on Main Street, from the Prospect Street bridge to the Weld Road intersection.

Police Chief Heidi Wilcox told the board that U-turns have not been an issue, and that no accidents have occurred because of them.

Additionally, the section prohibiting left turns from High Street onto Main Street was removed, and selectpersons are considering painting a stop line after the crosswalk so drivers can see better before turning.

A resident voiced concerns about the safety of left turns from that road, saying they had seen many near-accidents, and asked if the policy against left turns had been enforced. Wilcox said she has issued warnings, but no citations.

The board also changed the language about “thru trucks” on Lake Road, from Main Street to U.S. Route 2. Previously, trucks were only permitted if they were making deliveries, maintaining the road or utilities or responding to emergencies. The board added “performing services” to that list.


Overnight parking is also now allowed for registered vehicles in the High Street municipal parking lot.

The board also approved the water and wastewater budgets, with the water budget totaling $493,804, down from last year’s $531,302. The wastewater budget totals $802,176, up from last year’s $763,790.

In other matters, Dale Roberts, public works foreman, gave the board his quarterly report, saying his crew has made several major repairs to equipment, causing the repairs account to go “a little over.” The town’s salt supply is adequate, however, and the overall budget is “good right now.”

Chairwoman Tiffany Maiuri said she has received several compliments about the road maintenance this winter, citing examples of the public works crew having gone “above and beyond.”


Selectpersons Tiffany Maiuri, left, and Ruth Cushman chat before Tuesday night’s meeting at the Wilton Town Office. (Liz Marquis/Sun Journal)

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