In their zeal to oppose anything that President Donald Trump tries to accomplish, Democratic leaders, from Sen. Charles Schumer and Rep. Nancy Pelosi on down, are seriously damaging America’s national security. They are doing that by refusing to go along with any increases in the defense budget without corresponding increases in their pet give-away social programs, which have been proven to be non-effective time and time again during the past several decades.

America’s Navy, Army and Air Force are at the lowest level since before World War II, with the result that readiness levels, manpower, equipment, training and maintenance are all dangerously understaffed, under-equipped, and under-trained for their primary missions. The Navy is so understaffed that the three aircraft carrier groups patrolling North Korean shores are having to borrow from the rest of the Navy to keep those forces ready to oppose any threats posed by Kim Jong-Un. The Air Force and Army are similarly suffering shortages of qualified personnel and ability to fulfill all their missions.

Additionally, Democrats refuse to support fully funding essential border security measures for the U.S. southern border, even though the president and Congress have agreed to support DACA once the border is secured.

That just proves that Democrats are more intent on supporting illegal immigrants than on providing for national security.

Richard Grover, Mason Township

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