DEAR SUN SPOTS: Fundraising for the annual Leavitt Area High School 2018 Project Graduation is underway. With the holidays upon us, please consider making a donation to this great cause. The goal of the committee is to raise $18,000. We’re looking for donations of quality items, vouchers for useful services, and/or cash donations. The annual Project Graduation Auction will be held on March 31, 2018, at Leavitt Area High School in Turner. We’re accepting donations throughout the winter. Please contact auction chair Stacie Santomango (212-3235) or committee officers Lori Chouinard (576-6572), Kris Albert (713-8203) and ReNae Gagnon (240-3785). Donations can also be mailed to 2018 Project Graduation Committee, P.O. Box 96, Turner, ME 04282.

—ReNae, LAHS Project Graduation VP

ANSWER: Project Graduation is a long-standing tradition with many Maine high schools. I’m sure the LAHS Class of 2018’s 128 graduates will be very grateful. The plan is for them to go to the Alfond Center in Waterville for a chem-free celebration after graduation ceremonies on June 10th. The all-night event will include swimming, dancing, rock-wall climbing, and other sports activities organized by G-Force. There are also plans to hire hypnotist/magician David Hall and to have a full night of great food and door prizes. This is a great opportunity for LAHS alum and community members to support the coming year’s graduates.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Tommy’s Feral Feline Friends will hold its annual Holiday Bake Sale on Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 16 and 17, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. The event will take place in front of Chapter 11 under the tents on Main Street in Lewiston, next to the old Cumberland Farms and across from Burger King. Tommy’s team is in desperate need of bakers to fill our tables with delicious treats. We ask for baked goods to be delivered, wrapped and priced. In addition to offering a variety of delicious baked goods, Tommy’s will be collecting bottles and cans and will be accepting donations. Any and all support is greatly appreciated. So whether you would like to bake, pick up some delicious treats, have bottles and cans to drop off or would like to make a donation, please mark your calendars and make the holidays brighter for Tommy’s babies and those who work so selflessly to care for them. For further information or to make a donation, contact Norm Blais at or at P.O. Box 274, Greene, ME 04236.

—Norm, Greene

ANSWER: Tommy’s Feral Feline Friends is an all-volunteer, no-kill organization. They don’t receive any funding and rely solely on donations and income raised by fundraising. The team works 365 days a year in all kinds of weather to support abandoned cats that live a feral existence. In addition to feeding and sheltering the cats, Tommy’s provides care for critically ill and sick felines who sometimes require surgery as well as elderly cats and those with special needs and ongoing medical care. In addition, they provide neutering and other necessary medical care to save the cats’ lives, many of which are too many generations wild to be adopted. Recently, Tommy’s has faced several crises that have left them in dire financial need. The October storm devastated feral colonies and have left many cats needing special care.

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