Produced by Dennis Camire

This week’s poem is by Doug Woodsum of Smithfield, whose most recent book is “The Lawns of Lobstermen,” published by Moon Pie Press.


Two Questions after Rain

By Doug Woodsum


When rain stops and leaves hang lower; bending

Bowing, thanking, maybe, on stems that seem


Too thin, you remember your own thin parts,

All you are thankful for: storms, then clearings.


The cooler air after rain, that August

Balm treating the dog days of late summer . . .

It feels almost too cool, which makes you smile.


Why not seek out perfection in this world?


Today’s perfect words are “shawl” and “socks.” Out

On the porch, you towel a chair and sit.

Birds in the woods sing the same songs over

And over. Why not? Refrains are pleasing.



Because for once you’re not trying to sleep at dawn

When they start. For once you’re singing with them.


Dennis Camire can be reached at

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