Shame on Rep. Bruce Poliquin for voting for the Trump tax plan — a plan that would put lots of money in the hands of the wealthy, while saddling the middle class with trillion-dollar tax deficits.
The Trump plan will make huge cuts to the corporate tax rate, ostensibly to place the U.S. rate on par with other countries. That would be a permanent tax shift from corporations to the middle class. The last time the U.S. cut corporate taxes, other countries simply dropped their rates even lower. In this race to the bottom corporations win and the middle class loses.
Cuts intended to benefit the middle class have a sunset provision. They are temporary. Within a few years they can be raised. Since corporate taxes are permanent, it will be the middle class who will be paying for the deficit caused by the corporate tax cut.
Many economists agree that this plan will be devastating for the country. It is unconscionable to create such a large tax deficit merely to benefit the rich. Trickle-down economics has repeatedly been proven false. If you want the middle class to benefit from tax reform then the tax reform should target the middle class. Do not give tax breaks to the wealthy and expect them to give the money to the middle class.
Poliquin claims to represent the best interests of Maine’s Second District. His actions prove otherwise.
Jan Collins, Wilton
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