RUMFORD — Local Girl and Boy Scouts will serve their 10th annual community dinner on Sunday, Nov. 19.

The meal of turkey and all the fixings will be held from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the Rumford American Legion. A suggested donation of a nonperishable food item is encouraged but not required. All food donations will be given to local food pantries.

New this year will be a “Scouting for Food Fill the Tent” event. The goal is to fill the tent outside the American Legion with food donations brought by residents of the River Valley area. Time will be 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. They are requesting canned and boxed goods only with no expired dates.

The most needed items are cereal, canned vegetables and peanut butter, but any canned or boxed goods will be accepted.

All food for the community dinner is donated primarily by the Scouts. Local businesses and residents donate food and time.

Last year donations from the troops were as follows: Cub Scout Pack 580 Webelos den, green beans and butter; Boy Scout Troop 580, drinks, including punch and coffee supplies; Girl Scout Brownie Troop 498, stuffing; Girl Scout Brownie Troop 910, carrots; Girl Scout Junior Troop 1941, cranberry sauce; Girl Scout Cadette Troop 954, 16 homemade pies and whipped cream.


Scouts served over 200 meals at last year’s dinner. They also delivered meals to Rumford police and fire and Med-Care workers and sent meals to the Crisis House and Beacon House. In previous years, they have delivered meals to Island Housing, Whitney Brooks and a women’s shelter.

New this year, there will be two cans available for the cash donations. Donors can choose whether to donate to the dinner (which will be used next year for supplies such as paper goods) or the food pantry. A donation is not required to attend the meal.

Volunteerism and giving back to the community is a big part of the Girl Scout and Boy Scout organizations. The kids learn to set tables, serve the buffet- style meal, wait tables and collect/deliver the donations to the food pantries.

There will be scouting leaders available Sunday to talk to anyone interested in volunteering as adults or for children wanting to join scouting.

Cost: Food donation for pantry.

Boy and Girl Scouts of the River Valley will serve a free community meal Sunday, Nov. 19, at the American Legion Post, Rumford.

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